Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?



Specific shampoo??

Advice for someone in his 20s and for a kid, in his early teens.

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

You should check for radioactive Radon Gas seeping into your house, this can make your hair fall out little by little prematurely. Stress, can also make your hair fall out prematurely. If you are taking some medications, like Lithium, which is actually a metallic poison, like lead, or mercury, you will have hair loss, since these are mutagenic and disrupt the cellular DNA mechanisms by binding to them and preventing the expression of genes, like keratin, (hair) or Melanin/Tyrosinase, (hair color). You may want to use a 100% EFFECTIVE HAIR GROWTH TELOMERASE enzyme Yogurt to keep your hair follicles stimulated and acting as a YOUNG ACTIVATED hair follicles, since this enzyme RESETS the aging clock of the cells and keeps them young.

see: NATURE- "Telomerase induction causes proliferation of hair follicle stem cells."

CNN- Scientist find the cellular fountain of Youth".

SCIENCE - "Extenion of Lifespan by introduction of Telomerase into normal Human cells".





What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

It is hereditary, nothing you can do.

Don't worry...BALD IS SEXY!

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

Use Rogaine now....BEFORE you start losing your hair.

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?


and before someone says it...hats are a myth!

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

You can't really do anything..it depends on if your father or your mothers father balds...then the balding gene would get passed down to you...chances are you might not even go bald =]

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

i dont know but you might be doing this to impress girls. you dont have to just find a girl that likes you for who you are not for what you look like.

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

i recall Dr Oz from Oprah giving advice about this last week but have forgotten what it was! why not have a look at Oprahs website to find out?

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

Cut your head off and store it in a freezer until the time you think you will go bald.

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

Don't wear hats! no just kid den, Balding is hereditary not much you can do now to stop it.But go to an herbalist and they might have something to work with. Whitehorse

What can I do NOW to prevent balding, hair loss, and thinning in the future?

There is new research released right now stating that men go bald because of a lack of iron in their diet, so I would suggest getting more iron and you wont have the hair loss!!

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