Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hair loss: Thin hair..Where should I start ?

Basically my hair is very thin.. I dont think its still falling now. My hair fell like hell, around 4/5 years ago.. never cared at that time.. may be reasons, I could think of is...too much of stress, wearing helment and it used to sweat inside the helment and lack of good nutrition food.. absolutely, food was very bad hair ..dont think fall has stabilized now..its NOT falling that bad.. but its very very thin... and scalp is easily visible.. I have done some google search and found that Rogains says: It has to be applied in the axis only,should be used for years,have applied for two days and I felt too dizzy and worried about health and returned the product... Should I consult a doctor and finding if there is any desease or getting some good list of vitamin tablets related. problem is finding the doctor, which doctor. or should I buy some multi vitamins my self and use ? Where should I start on this??

Hair loss: Thin hair..Where should I start ?

Go to a dermatologist so that they can determine the cause then try a trichologist. your hair needs to be treated from the root and follicle beyong the scalp since hair grows inside out good-luck

Hair loss: Thin hair..Where should I start ?

Try to use hair loss product. It's seem to work to me..

Hair loss: Thin hair..Where should I start ?

Try the algae supplements. Is 100% physical and helps you also in other health problems. The link for more infos is:

I thing it will helps you alot. Take care!.

Hair loss: Thin hair..Where should I start ?

Take a look at This is a health and wellness company that has very result driven products. Look at the Intelligence Thermal Fusion Hair %26amp; Scalp Revitalizer and the Hybrid vitamins. Everything is pure, safe and beneficial. I know people that have had help with thining hair with this product. It helps protect hair follicles from DHT, environmental exposure and dry scalp. They also have a great vitamin line called Hybrids.

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