Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can I slow or stop hair loss?

I'm 19 and the doc said I am losing hair. Would eating healthier and excersizing postpone or stop hair loss? I was drinking and smoking quite heavily on weekends, could that have been part of the problem?

And also, are there certain vitamins I should focus on getting in my system to reduce the loss? Are there any longterm products I can take to prevent any future hair loss.

I'm looking for pills that work, Are there any?

I know that's alot of questions, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

How can I slow or stop hair loss?

I'm 19 and the doc said I am losing hair. Would eating healthier and excersizing postpone or stop hair loss?

I am going to presume you are a male in generally good health and answer your question(s) accordingly. To begin with, hair loss in men beginning at age 19 is not particularly unusual, but does signal one's genetic predisposition to a fairly significant degree of hair loss as time passes. The best guide to judging your future hair loss is to look at male relatives on both sides of your family. If they experienced hair loss early in life, this is a tendency you may have inherited too.

I was drinking and smoking quite heavily on weekends, could that have been part of the problem?

While drinking and smoking are certainly not good for your health, neither of these habits, to my knowledge, are typically linked to the onset or progression of pattern hair loss. There are three things that need to conspire in order to suffer pattern hair loss. First, genetics; which we've already discussed. Second, age; this means that 9 year old children do not usually suffer from pattern hair loss. And third, circulating hormones; think of hormones as the match that lights the fuse. Put these three factors in motion and you have all the ingredients to suffer from androgenetic alopecia (typical pattern hair loss). Since no one can modify your genetics or age, medical treatments designed to address pattern hair loss target various facets of the hormonal metabolic steps that cause susceptible scalp hair to thin.

And also, are there certain vitamins I should focus on getting in my system to reduce the loss? Are there any longterm products I can take to prevent any future hair loss.

I'm looking for pills that work, Are there any?

At the present time there are several classes of drugs that have been shown to offer positive benefit in treating hair loss. These are topical minoxidil, oral finasteride %26amp; oral dutasteride. Finasteride and dutasteride block the enzyme (5 alpha-reductase) that synthesizes the main problematic hormone (DHT) from substrate (testosterone). Minoxidil seems to influence calcium channel metabolism in a biochemical pathway (too complicated to get into here)---which regulates hair cycling among many other things---in a manner that, to my knowledge, has not yet been fully worked out.

Certain naturally occurring substances, such as saw palmetto and other compounds also seem to offer potential benefit in the context of androgen-mediated disorders (e.g. pattern hair loss). The nice thing about such naturally derived substances is that they are thought to work without the potential for negative side effect. Regardless, as to which among these options offers the right choice for any given person is a question best worked out with the active assistance of one's primary care provider. He/She is a medical expert. He/She also has your best interests at heart.

I know that's alot of questions, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Take your time. Learn as much as you can. Do your product/drug research. Don't let anyone pressure you into jumping into one treatment or another until you have your facts straight. And most importantly, enlist the aid of your treating physician in helping you make the appropriate decisions. Do these things and you stand a good chance of slowing/stopping/possibly reversing your hair loss. Hope that helps...

best wishes,

Geno Marcovici, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer


How can I slow or stop hair loss?

The drinking and smoking are definitely not helping the situation, but there is little you can do to stop it.

1. stop smoking.

2. quit stressing about it. (stress causes hair loss as well)

3. research the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Educate yourself. Some therapy does work and others are a waste. Don't educate yourself on a site trying to sell you something, but instead generic health sites. Figure out if there is treatment, if not, just accept it.

How can I slow or stop hair loss?

Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

How can I slow or stop hair loss?

Hi There,

Unfortunately there aren't any proven vitamins or minerals to help prevent hair loss, however, thanks to modern technology and medicine there's a lot you can do to slow, stop and correct your male pattern baldness. I went through the same thing you're going through and was pretty bald by my late twenties.

I personally decided to stop hair loss when it was too late, so I had a hair restoration surgery back in July. Since receiving my Bosley hair transplant I have documented the results on my blog, In addition to seeing the results of my Bosley procedure I provide a wealth of information on hair loss and the other methods available to correct it.

As for medications, the only pill proven to help with hair loss is Propecia. I don't use Propecia but all the research shows that it's great for stopping your hair from falling out, but isn't proven to regrow lost hair. There's also Rogaine (or Minoxidil) and the Laser Comb, which you'll also find a lot of information on at

Best of luck in your battle and let me know if you have any other questions.


Hair loss remedies?

Hi, does anyone know any hair loss treatments that actuallywork.

My hair has been thinning over last 15 years or so, I am 40 now, and is becoming noticeable. I am not interested in a hair transplant or buying any silly old product advertised. But before I shave it all off and become a proud baldie, at least thought I'd see if any one had tried anything with some success.


Hair loss remedies?

There are several forms of hair loss. If it is male pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) then the hair loss cannot be fully cured in most cases, but just frozen for some time with the treatments availiable on market today.

1) Hair transplant (FUE technology) creates really natural hairline, no scars, the best way to go if you have enough donor hair and money of course.

2. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil are the only ones approved by FDA and proven to work in most men so far.

Generic Propecia (finasteride) is also ok. I use it with same results, and unfortunately same side efefcts(a bit dry feeling in the scalp) as brand propecia. Have tried lots of herbal crap before it and laser combs, so far the only thing that prevents my hairloss, not much regrowth, but has stopped my hairloss completely.

I buy from this pharmacy for the last 2 years - . It is under $1 per pill for 1mg propecia.also see

But before you consider to start propecia you must really study about the side effects. It can mess your hormones real bad if you are not lucky, so you must choose, hair or these side effects. Quite a big perecent have these side effects, more than Merck - the company that holds

Propecia trademark is saying. see the link for side effects stories

Hair loss remedies?

none, you could try steroid shots in your scalp but --who knows talk to a dermatologist, first , but here is a good wig site they are the best priced I have seen other than wholesale.

Hair loss remedies?

Hi,have you tried getting it cut very short.Good Luck

Hair loss remedies?

Regaine has some success and some men swear by it. The only problem is that you have to use it religiously every day or you lose the hair again. There are tablets now availabe from a doctor (I forget the name now - something like Propecia) which can only be taken by men for hair loss. Again, they need to be taken every day to maintain the hair and I doubt they are available on the NHS - I think it would be private prescription only xx

Hair loss remedies?

This is true by the way. Years ago there was a report that cow's pats could cure baldness. Apparently something in them had that effect. Never heard about it again but it was on the news at the time.

But you never know, so give it a try, LOL

Be sure to shower afterwards

Hair loss remedies?

Dont worry about hair, there is nothing you can do to grow it back. If you are a nice person people will love you for who you are not the hair on your head. Be nice be happy all the best. Cheers.

Hair loss remedies?

The thing is it depends whats the reason for it. From my own experience and my granny (..and grannies granny,..and so on) the best for hair is a CASTOR OIL, just few drops on ur fingers and massage it into a scalp, better wrap it after for 2-3 hours and wash it off. It really does work if u do it every second third day for a period of time ( i know sounds like...).

Unfortunately in Ireland its being taken away from shelves, cause people started to drink it ( don't know why..?!)

Definitely works!

PS: its a free world, but who put 1 on "bad" have no idea, doing what i just described i "grew" and "planted" extra hair, which i was not suppose to have genetically, so...up to u: leave it or take it

Hair loss remedies?

I'm now 42, been using a set of clippers now on 0 for about 14 years. Be proud of it!

seriously, there is only one product that works and it was developed from a heart medicine. You rub it in and hair grows, albeit finer than the original. drawback is.. you have to use it and keep using it (everyday I think) and the cost is ridiculous. Not an option for me , spending that much time preening is a bit narcissistic I think.

Anyway, go the clippers, buy your own and you'll save heaps of $ on haircuts, you just wash your head with soap (and save more $) and then drying your head is so quick, save heaps of time too!!!

Hair loss remedies?

You can try regain which is available over the counter, but its pricey.

Also you can ask your doctor for propecia tablets, But they are not usually available on the NHS, so he would write you out a private prescription. I had a private prescription come into work for these recently, and they cost 鎷?2 for a 4 week supply, so it depends on how much you want to try and keep your hair! Also, neither pf these products are guaranteed to work. Like all medications, they work for some people, not others, so you may be wasting an awful lot of money.

Personally, I dont think you should fight nature. Shave it off - I would much rather see a guy confident with his shaven head than some sad old git with a desperate comb-over!

I work in a pharmacy and see so many blokes trying regain and propecia tablets, i just wanna tell themto forget it and go bald gracefully.

Women do not have a problem with bald men, or thinning hair, we really dont care.

Shave it off!

Hair loss remedies?

Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

Hair loss remedies?

Boot polish work's a treat.....

Hair loss remedies?

Hair loss is hereditary.It may be due to scalp infection.Get your scalp examined by a doctor.Vitamin deficiency,lack of nutritious food are other reasons.If you are having tension hair fall will be fast.Lead a tension free life.As preventive measure,try warm cocunut(or castor seed or alomnd oil)oil massage (few drops )twice daily.Vitamins containing Zinc will slow hair fall(Try Zevit).

If nothing works, try a wig.Do not loose hope.Bald people are considered more sexy and women love them.Good Luck.

Hair loss remedies?

A hat is the way 4ward!!!!! lol x

Hair loss remedies?

No sorry, nothing in stock.

Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss?

Propecia is the only drug that isn't snake oil (like Rogaine). It won't grow heair, but it will stop your hair-loss in its tracks. I've been taking it since 1995 and I've had no hair-loss since. My dad used to cut my hair and even said he thought it was a little thicker.

Here's the trick to getting it a little cheaper. Propecia is really just a drug called Proscar, re-packaged and inflated in price. Proscar is a drug to help reduce enlarged prostates in men. Ask your doctor for a Proscar prescription. Your insurance won't pay for it -- and you can't ask your doctor to say you have an enlarged prostate. The insurance companies stopped falling for that a few years back. You have to buy a pill cutter at your drug store and cut the Proscar into quarters - which is still a slightly stronger dose than a single Propecia - but it's cheaper in the long-run. I think 60 pills was about $300. It's not cheap -- but it lasts almost a year. And it's worth it if you like the hair you have left.

Side effects: In most men, none. In fact, a positive dividend is that you'll be less likely to get an enlarged prostate! In a small percentage of men they say it can cause sexual disfunction or reduced semen volume. The funny thing is -- you'll be SURE that's happening to you at first because it's psycho-sematic and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then after awhile you get over it and realize nothing's really changed sexually. Hopefully.

I recommend it. Ask your doctor. They say that most hairloss happens in your 20s and 30s, so I'm actually going to ask my doctor if I can stop taking in now that I'm 41. Good luck.

Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss for man?

Good food, water, eat healthy,have fun. You are going to lose some hair, it does not make you any less of a person. Hair loss happens, how you accept or react to a situation is the measure of a Human.

Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss for man?

yes use,Ancient Herbal treatment,anthymuskin shampoo

Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss for man?

Propecia is a tablet based drug. It is rather expensive although you can get an alternative drug with the same basic active ingredient. Ask your doctor.

Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss for man?


Do you know any product or medication to prevent Hair Loss for man?

Mane and Tail shampoo? I heard it works for some people.

Aloe Vera too.

Refrain from strong shampoos, hair sprays or gels.

Hair Treatment? (for hair loss, or damaged hair)?

Any hair treatment thats good?

I really don't confide much in Shampoos or none of that. But does anyone know on any natural products or homemde products?

I tried some natural homemade, and it made my hair very soft. I need something for hair loss, shine, breakage, and also damaged.

Thank You, and best answer will receive points!

*If possible, with a website provided.

Hair Treatment? (for hair loss, or damaged hair)?

You can try prenatal vitamins. It will make your hair healthier and grow very fast. You can find these anywhere. Plus, they will make you nails stronger and grow faster and your skin look great. Or you could just buy the vitamins that are called Hair, Skin, and Nails.

Hair Treatment? (for hair loss, or damaged hair)?

Go to this place called the mall and go to the sample of Bosely and no trouble at all

Hair Treatment? (for hair loss, or damaged hair)?

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

I'm 26 yrs old, recently (about 4 months ago)I have noticed that my hair is getting thinner and everytime i washed hair there are quite a lot of hair loss (around 50...) and sometimes my hair scalp itches, i was my hair regularly in fact everyday, i have been using the Revivogen products for the past 3 months but don't think it makes much difference, are there any experts out there could let me know what to do in order to stop my hair loss?

Do u think my GP will be able to help or refer me to some kind of specialist?

~Just wonder~

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Yes definitely talk to your GP.

May be if it is falling out after every wash

maybe try reducing the washing to every other day or once every three days or somat

unless there is a reason why you need to wash it every day.

but yeah GP best person to talk to or your hairdresser may have some useful advice.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

I recommend you to try Profinast from . This treatment helps me to resolve my hair in 3 months :) Report It

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Dandruff probably. I would guess that it is an allergic reaction, your not normal, or its how you were born. I would use dandruff shampoo and ask a doctor. The itching also might be lice. Good Luck!!!

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Hair loss is a result of abundant testosterone production. It's a sign of just how much a stud you are!

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

well the answer is no !

I started losing my hair when i was 20 years old ! :(

I am now 24 and if i tryed to grow my hair now i would look stupid , since it does now grow in the middal at all :( but saying that i have got alot more ladys since i have been bold , alot of ladys love it .

at first it feels wierd , but trust me , I guy with a nice body and a nice tan and bold head , the girls love it

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

coconut oil

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

The simple reason i can think of for hair loss (which i think i am going through) is putting on all the crap you get from shops on your hair - different gels, different products etc. Your hair needs to breathe and by applying chemicals on your hair obviously is going to kill your hair.

My advice - stay away from gels and other like products.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Age with grace mate and don't let it bother you!

Sean Connery was bald as a coot when he made the James Bond films and look what happened to him!

I haven't got much hair and what i have got is 18 shades of grey but my girl is extremely fit and extremely rich while i haven't got a pot to pee in!

Bam chicka wow wow!

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

You could certainly try going to the GP in case it is treatable but I am afraid the guy who linked it with testosterone is probably right. There is also a genetic link.

There are a number of other contributing factors causing hair loss, which, if treated, are reversible:

1. Nutritional imbalance: deficiencies resulting from poor diet or crash diets.

2. Stress: bought on by a major emotional burden

3. Impaired scalp circulation: resulting from climate, medication or dry scalp

4. External chemicals: found in hair preparations and shampoos to which you may be allergic.

So it is worth seeing your GP.

Some men look great bald. Honest.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Just chill out and go with the flow. Go bald with dignity.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

Severe hair problems may cause anguish.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

just let ig go mate there is bugger all you can do about it

Men Hair Loss ... HELP?

You are losing hair rapidly. Revivogen does not work well as it claims. Try a hair loss product that actually stops the hair loss. Provillus is very good at this.

If a self tanning lotion reaches the hair line, can it cause my hair loss?

In the application instructions, says that the product must not touch the hair line. Even if i apply it carefully, there楹搒 always a little bit of the lotion that reaches the hairline. I wonder if it can make me loss my hair.

If a self tanning lotion reaches the hair line, can it cause my hair loss?

No way man. its just coloring and not toxic. been using it for years and am nearing 60 years old. I still have a full head of hair and I apply it the same way you do. no worries mate!!

If a self tanning lotion reaches the hair line, can it cause my hair loss?

I'm pretty sure they tell you not to let it touch your hair line because when it does, it does some weird dying action that doesn't happen elsewhere on your body.

I think the skin around there is a little different in the way it absorbs the dye or something-- I think it might be related to why people put Vaseline along their hairline when they dye their hair.

Men hair loss treatment?

I've been looking into using Minoxidil 5%, MPG, Azelaic Acid Cream and Propecia for hair loss,anyone tried it?

I've been suffering from normal male patten hair loss so I've been looking into going to a hair clinic and i've been advised to use those products above and they should show results in 6 months. Has anyone tried these products and have they been proven to be effective? Can you recommend any hair clinic in London you've tried and worked for you? thank you

Men hair loss treatment?

hair implant is best treatment

Men hair loss treatment?

Rogain (menoxidill) will rarely grow your hair back, b ut it will stop it from falling out......and Propecia is good...but do not use it if you are planing on having children in the future...a preganant woman even touch the stuff can cause birth defects

Men hair loss treatment?

just for men gel

Men hair loss treatment?

shave it all off...problem solved

Men hair loss treatment?

dont't use products other recommend u, or advertised on tv, or u can find in the internet. Go see a good dermatolist, he will make a proper evaluation (look for the cause, it may can be treated) and recommend a proper therapy and/or clinic

Men hair loss treatment?

propecia can make you sterile you know not able to have kids i know the minoxidil does work but once you start using it you can't stop or your hair will fall out again.

Men hair loss treatment?

I now this sounds a bit crazy but it's really not a joke!!!

Wash your hair with eggs (not cooked) every day .

It's something my grandmother showed me.

It worked for me and my brother.

Good luck!!!

P.S. two eggs will do the trick.

Men hair loss treatment?

There are very few options for preventing hair loss but his results will depend on how much thinning he has experienced so far. Once the hair is gone, it is gone for good, regardless of what product you try so the key is to act now before it is too late. To prevent hair loss one must address the causes of it below the scalp (i.e. built-up DHT inside the follicle). The most effective product on the market for preventing hair loss and thickening existing hair is Regenix. Matthew McConaughey credits them with saving his hair.

Men hair loss treatment?


Men hair loss treatment?

i've heard mayo helps

Men hair loss treatment?

Minoxidil is a strong medicine and as such some people do suffer from side effects. There are natural hair loss treatments like Nisim's New Hair Biofactors range that many people suffering from hair loss have had good results with.

An increase in the absorption of minoxidil from the scalp can occur in patients with inflamed or abnormal scalps. Patients with heart failure or significant coronary heart disease should avoid minoxidil because of these side effects. Minoxidil's alcohol base can irritate the eyes. Minoxidil should not be used with other topical medications because they may increase its absorption and side effects. Minoxidil should be used with caution by anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Men hair loss treatment?

Look at for a lot of informative articles about hair loss.

Men hair loss treatment?

minoxidil dose work. and a good clinic to try is the

whitecliff group.they are at 16 Dover street Mayfair London.

Does anyone have female hair loss?

my hair is so thick but has been falling out...scalp is itchy...I look after my hair and scalp...use good products, but my hair is definitely thinning mostly on top...any suggestions (serious ones...haha)

Does anyone have female hair loss?

Use Nioxin, it is shampoo and conditioner for hair thinning. They sell it at the beauty supply. It really worked for me.

Does anyone have female hair loss?

my mom has hair loss.. lol but shes 50.. so yeah.

Does anyone have female hair loss?

u should go and see a doctor for it. u are probally malnutritioned and not getting the right vitamins. but a doctor could refer u to some one who can help u there is medication for people with ur condition. try some rogain

Does anyone have female hair loss?

You may have polysystic ovary syndrome. You may want to check with you gynecologist.

Does anyone have female hair loss?

it depends, there is a disease, but it could also be age, go see your doctor,

Does anyone have female hair loss?

my cuz has had that problem 4 a few years and shes only 17. she has a med that would work pretty good but she doesnt take it cuz she doesnt like the side effects. so all i can say is go see a dr! i no i didnt help much but i tried so good luck and i hope everthing works out for you! =}

Does anyone have female hair loss?

Are you losing your hair or do you have a bald spot? If you are on the birth control pill that can do it. I actually got a bald spot and it started out by itching. but it was from the pill as soon as I stopped it grew back. I took it again and another bald spot I dont take it anymore.

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

I use conditioner daily after shampooing whenever I wash my hair. Before rinsing out the conditioner, I run my fingers through to take out any tangles. I always end up with a hairball size equivalent to that bouncy ball used for playing with jacks. My hair is quite long, right above my waistline but fine in texture. Is this normal hair loss? I wash my hair every other day and each time I do, I can make that hairball. I also dye my hair every eight to ten weeks. What are the best products to use for routine dyed, fine textured hair ?

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

100 hairs per day is normal...

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

about 100 hairs per day is normal. when they are long, it seems like more, but you are probably still just losing the normal 100 or so.

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

Hair loss is normal. I loose alot to. And also dye my hair quite often. Normally you should loose about 100. But hair dye can be very damaging to your hair. Also straightening it ect..

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

Some hair loss is quite normal, yours doesn't seem to be excessive because your hair is long. Do you use a leave-in conditioner? Try "ITS a 10", which is a spray in product or you could also use a salon product detangler. If you are NOT using salon products in shampoo and conditioners, you should try to change immediately to them. There are many good ones on the market at your salon, made particularly for fine textured hair, or chemically treated hair and/or both. They are economical when used properly.

Beauticians say daily hair loss is normal. What is considered normal?

I used to lose alot of hair until I started using Nexus Diametress. It's great, it thickens and doesn't make my hair fall out dramatically. I think you should also cut ur hair a little, maybe cause it's too long it's getting weak, so it falls out easily. Don't use conditioner, cause it's really gonna make ur hair fall out. If you really need conditioner maybe u cud buy one of those leave in conditioner sprays. good luck!

Teenage hair loss?

okay so people have weird habits so mines was pulling out strands of my hair that had split ends.Okaii so one day when i was doing this i found a weird jelly thing at the tp of the strand. I then started to pull out strands looking for the weird jelly stuff.So one night at my friends sleepover i fell aslepp and i when i woke up and just lay there pretneding to sleep then my friends started taling about the bald patch that had formed at the bac of my head.I didnt think anything of it just tried to stop my weird habit.But when the popular girl of school came up to me and asked if i had allopesha i didnt know what to do.I knew i didnt have allopeesha as i had done this to my self and that made me so angry and ashamed.But my question is that if anyone in the uk has any suggestions of good products that help hair growth or something and if any one has any ideas of a hair style that helps cover my patch at the back of my head.It isnt that big but i need help.

Teenage hair loss?

Hi - sounds like you don't have alopecia, but rather trichotillomania, which often requires medical intervention. If you have stopped pulling your hair out, it will grow back soon, but if you haven't stopped, you should go to a doctor, and you might have to go on medication to stop the behavior. Can you talk to your parents about it?

There is some info. below,but read here to see what other people have done about it (click on the links to the right of the page):

Trichotillomania (TTM) is an impulse disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. It is currently defined as an impulse-control disorder, but there are still questions about how it should be classified. It may seem, at times, to resemble a habit, an addiction, a tic disorder or an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is estimated to affect one to two percent of the population, or four to eleven million Americans.

Who Gets Trichotillomania?

TTM seems to strike most frequently in the pre- or early adolescent years. The typical first-time hair puller is 12 years old, although TTM has affected people as young as one and as old as seventy. It is thought that ninety percent of those with TTM are women, but research is inconclusive and it may simply be the case that men are less likely to seek treatment and can more easily hide their symptoms. A form of TTM that affects very young children appears to occur in males and females at an equal rate and seems to be more benign in nature.

How Do I Know If I Have Trichotillomania?

Although the symptoms range greatly in severity, location on the body, and response to treatment, most people with TTM pull enough hair over a long enough period of time that they have bald spots on their heads (or missing eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic, or underarm hair), which they go to great lengths to cover with hairstyles, scarves or clothing, or makeup. The persistence of the compulsion can vary considerably: For some people, at some times, it is mild and can be quelled with a bit of extra awareness and concentration. For others, at times, the urge may be so strong that it makes thinking of anything else nearly impossible.

Why Doesn't Anyone Seem to Know about Trichotillomania?

TTM did not appear in the popular media in the United States until about 1989. As a result, many people with TTM have gone for many years without adequate Information about their condition, or appropriate treatment. Consequently, the one symptom that most people with TTM share is shame.

Teenage hair loss?

ouch.. i shall not comment on you pulling out your hair, but i shall say this.. try using olive oil. not the cooking type though. apply to your scalp at night before bed, and if u wish, shampoo it out in the mornings. i do that cos i cant stand the slightly greasy feel. but it really softens your hair. the vitE should help in hair growth.

for styles, i can only think of the ponytail. the high ponytail gives a nice innocent schoolgirl look. i hope ur patch is not too high though..

Teenage hair loss?

i have had alopecia areata, and im still 17. its a disease that gives u bald patches and guess what? there's no known cure. so i learnt some tricks. u can use eyeshadow/eyeliner of your hair color to cover small patches. to grow the hair back regaine 5% - a tropical medicine is very effective especially since u don't have a real problem. u'll see results in a week if followed properly. it may cost you upto 40$.

p.s. read the instructions on regaine before applying.

Teenage hair loss?

What you are doing is called Trichotillomania. "Hair Pulling". As far as products that will grow your hair not use them. Once you stop using the products the hair can fall out and become worse...try pulling your hair back to cover it if it is long enough. And stop pulling. I have had this for 14 years. It is a heartache. See a doctor that can help you. This habit spirals out of control quickly and lots of people have it. Please feel free to email me at if you need any further advise. My heart goes out to you.

Teenage hair loss?

Find herbal remedies for Dandruf, Spiltends, Hairloss,

Hot oil massages Fruit pack for hair,- ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --

Hair care?

how to manage and care hairs to not to fall and loss? does products for hair loss and hair regrowth can be works as i read about ?

Hair care?

Unfortunately there is nothing out there that can make your hair grow except implant surgery, you can only prevent hair loss. You can prevent it by buying Rogaine (it does work) since it has a special ingredient in it.

Hair care?

You are not from USA are you?

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

I am 28 and starting to thin out on top. Any advise on products to use to make it thicker or less noticable?

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

rrroooggaainnnceee babbbyyyy =))!!!** %26lt; thatss the stuff rightt thurr .TRUST ME.

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

Rogaine, babee!!!

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?


It is pricey, but works!

It will help you keep the hair you have. Don't expect it to work miracles overnight, just like medication, it takes some time.

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

Avodart and Nioxin shampoo

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

Male sperm - oh and sometimes bleach works really well too.

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

Yes, some clippers. Number one all over. When it starts to go, shave it all off. Damn sexy! (providing you are male)

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

sunsilk got a new shampoo !!!!!!!!

and it is like $3

rate me best answer!!!

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

Same here...You need to find out why it is thinning first! Taking Garlic tablets - for the sulphur- as well as having plenty of B vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium. Make sure that your scalp is not too oily - Sebum build up can kill Hair follicles - sounds nasty, but if you hair is really oily, wash it with dishwashing liquid every other day. You may want to have your hormones checked at your OB..That can make your hair fall out quickly. Don't Smoke!

Hair loss question...what is the best product for thinning hair?

read this:


Does your hair fall a lot? Don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of people from all around the world suffer from dry, brittle and weak hair. Some of the possible reasons for falling hair are:


Too much work


Poor diet

Over-exposure to the sun


Amateur bleaching

Too frequent and inexpert use of tints, rinses or other colourants

Here is what you can do to prevent hair fall

Shampoo regularly. Remember, a CLEAN scalp is a HEALTHY SCALP.

Brahmi amla oil also promotes hair growth.

A high protein diet with plenty of fruits, green vegetables and dairy products is a must.

Drink 10-12 glass of water everyday.

Use a very mild shampoo and condition your hair at least twice a week. When you do, make sure you rinse out the conditioner thoroughly, otherwise residue build-up will cause your hair to look limp and dull.

Know your vitamins! IRON is important for healthy hair and brittle, limp hair indicates an iron deficiency. Spinach has a good iron content, so gulp it down!

ZINC helps prevent hair loss and greying. Eat adequate zinc rich foods. Overweight people tend to have zinc deficiency, which is inversely related to the body mass index. Thus if you are overweight and if your hair falls too much, you may want to increase your intake of zinc containing foods. Recipes containing stone ground, wholegrain flour are rich in zinc.

A shortfall in VITAMIN B may cause dandruff, falling hair, loss of colour and could encourage grey hair. So B group Vitamins are essential for gloss, colour and thickness.

VITAMIN C ensures the health of capillaries supplying blood to hair follicles. Make sure your diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and veggies.

VITAMIN E encourages hair growth. Switch from refined flours to wholemeal and wheatgerm, eggs, vegetable oil.

COPPER stops hair from falling. Studies show that the copper content in the blood serum of people with falling hair is less than normal. Different types of alopecia (falling hair) are seen to have a deficiency of this important trace element. Include small quantities of nuts, especially cashews and peanuts, seeds, whole milk and beans in your diet as these contain minute but important amounts of copper.

Homemade remedies for preventing hair fall:

Apply almond oil on scalp and massage.

Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp. Wash off after 40 minutes. Do this every morning for a month 闅哣 if it suits you! Remember, different treatments suit different types of hair.

Massage warm castor oil + almond oil into your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this twice a week for healthy, shiny hair.

Add 2-3 drops of honey to a glass of water and use this as the last rinse after shampooing.

Quick Hair Care Conditioner

Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

Honey Conditioner

Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam, and shampoo after an hour.

Alcohol Conditioner

Beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tsp brandy. Massage into your scalp. Leave for 10-15 mins. Rinse well. The egg nourishes your hair and brandy stimulates hair growth.

Your hair is a vital beauty asset, requiring constant loving care. And with a little nurturing, lush, glossy hair will be yours


Does your hair fall often Arm yourself with these tools to combat hair fall.

Wide-toothed comb

Get yourself a wide-toothed comb. This is probably one of the most important yet underutilized of all hair tools. A wide-toothed comb helps you distribute conditioner evenly all over your hair while shampooing and conditioning. In addition, it also helps get rid of knots smoothly.

The best time to get rid of knots is during conditioning. Apply conditioner and run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair.

While untangling dry hair, do so in sections. Take one section at a time, and first, untangle the ends of your hair. Do so slowly, and don?t pull unless you want your hair to fall out in clumps or break.

Don?t wait for the last minute before detangling your hair. Every night, while sitting in front of the television, run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair, until you have untangled it completely. Do this every night, and you will notice that your hair remains free from tangles.

Leave-in conditioner

Dry hair tends to tangle easily, and, needless to say, causes it to break. Make sure your hair is never devoid of moisture by always keeping a bottle of leave-in conditioner handy. The next time you feel your hair is dry and rough to the touch, simply rub a dollop of leave-in conditioner between your palms, and apply it to your hair. Comb through with your wide toothed comb. Your hair will be instantly rejuvenated and moisturized. Gradually, the texture will also improve. This is a must if you blow dry your hair regularly, or if it is chemically treated. Such hair constantly craves moisture, so get yourself a bottle of leave-in conditioner.


Olive, almond and coconut oils are all excellent for the hair. While you could apply oil as an alternative to leave-in conditioner, oil tends to make your hair sticky, and you cannot style your hair well after applying oil. Your only alternative would then be to tie up your hair. For better results with oil, apply just a few drops immediately after washing your hair, when your hair is still dripping wet. Oil doesn?t penetrate the strands as easily as leave-in conditioner does though. Nothing beats a hot oil massage followed by a steam treatment, as the steam helps the oil penetrate the hair strands, strengthening them and curtailing hair fall.


Egg is great for the hair ? there are no two ways about it! True, it causes a tremendous stink in the bathroom, and your hair may let off an ?eggy? smell, but the results are instantaneous and worth it! Egg strengthens your hair almost immediately, and the egg yolk leaves your hair shining. Whip an egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply it to your hair. Wash off after half an hour. Make sure you wash off with cold water though, or the egg will start cooking in your hair, and would be harder to take off! Use a scented shampoo to counter the smell of egg in your hair, and follow up with a leave-in conditioner. Do this for a month, and you will be amazed by the change in your hair texture and the reduction in hair fall.

What can I eat to prevent premature greying?

Eating seafood is possibly one of the best things you can eat to promote all-over hair health. It is rich in zinc, iodine and protein, which are excellent for the hair. So if you enjoy seafood, make it a point to have fish several times a week. Remember that eating canned fish will not give you the same benefits as eating freshly cooked fish. If you don?t eat fish, consider fish-oil supplements.

Iron is good for hair and is found in dark green vegetables, meat and some pulses. If you are unsure about whether you are getting enough iron, include an iron supplement every once in a while in your diet. Remember that too many iron supplements can be bad for you. Women lose iron while menstruating, so perhaps during or after your cycle you can have iron-fortified supplements for a few days.

Eating foods rich in Vitamins B and C will ensure that your hair stays strong, does not break easily, and does not grey early. Pork, vegetables, whole grains, wheat germ, soymilk are all rich sources of Vitamin B, while citrus fruits are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Eating adequate Vitamin C helps increase absorption of iron. Try and have a glass of orange juice daily.

Your hair will never be healthy if you do not drink enough water. Drink at least eight to ten glasses a day.

What oil can I apply to my hair?

Rosemary oil is believed to gradually darken grey hair over a period of time. Soak rosemary leaves along with a few basil (tulsi) leaves, in jojoba oil, for a period of four weeks. Massage your scalp and hair with this oil (after warming it up).

Most oils are not easily absorbed by the hair, which is why you need to leave oil on for at least forty-five minutes. It helps greatly if you steam your hair after applying oil.

Boil dried amla pieces in coconut oil until the pieces turn black and the oil darkens. Apply this oil to the hair. It strengthens hair and prevents greying.

Boil tealeaves in water and rinse your hair with this liquid 20-30 times. Then, leave on for 15-20 minutes before the final rinse.

What else can I do to promote hair health and delay greying?

Washing your hair with very hot water or using hair-dryers excessively weaken roots, and may lead to premature greying. When using a hair-dryer, take care not to point it to your scalp. Similarly, try and wash your hair with cool or lukewarm water.

Will Yoga help?

Inverted yoga poses bring a rush of blood to the scalp. This stimulates circulation and enhances hair health. Do the following poses regularly:

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)



Other easy ways to stimulate circulation are:

When you wash your hair, keep switching from hot water to cold water.

Comb your hair regularly. A hundred strokes every night should do the trick. If your hair is curly, use a wide toothed comb


What are some hair damaging products?


this is a very rare question and i doubt any one must have asked it on ths site.but yes i want to loose hair (jus so u tink i have written it wrong No i am not suffering from hair loss but i want to get rid of hair) not from my scalp tho my hands and legs. i have very thick hair and dark hair and now as im starting to get meatured its even getting a lil longer. not all tht but i feel. i have seen the same desce of hair growth on white men but it dosent show so much because the hair matches their skin color but my hair is black.... and it shows so i wont to reduce the hair on my arms and legs my back and my chest is just fine not much hair and very light and thin hair and a male should have hair on his chest... well anyway do any of you know of any product that makes hair loss BUT DOSE NOT play




sounds like you want electrolysis. it's pretty expensive though.

I recommend waxing.


Laser hair removal or electrolysis.


set your hair on fire! fire! fire!


take sccisors and just cut in radom places or die your hair blue




WAX or depilitary cream such as NAIR


wax it like every day... u wil experience swollen and soreness, but its the best way so the hair won't grow back


Get a lighter, some pepper spray, and sugar. Spray the pepper pray on, sprinkle the sugar, and light it up. It should turn pretty colors before it turns black and fizzles off.


well i dont know about hair prouducts but where it down,sleep on it,put water on it and do not comb it and you will get nappy hair.


ok 1) spell check and 2) you mean like thinners? i think they have some cream that thins hair esp. on your legs and helps it not grow back.... but usually that's for girls because they don't want to have to shave as much... but i guess it could work for dudes... just look in the lotions area at the store...




epila hair remover on ebay


by straighting it.


By damaging your hair doesn't mean that's gonna make-it disappear!And also you can damage your skin also.So I don't think that's a good idea! When I was very young,I tried to burn off my hair from my legs,but all I did it was a very nasty smell in the house!And of course the hair grove back the same it was before!


You should get sand paper and rub ut anywhere you have hair (accept your underarms)


They have these devices called epilators now, and they look kinda like electric shavers. Basically there are pieces inside it that pluck your body hairs from your skin. It's similar to tweezing, but more at a time. I will not lie, it does hurt a bit but it's not unbearable. Waxing hurts a lot more. But as you use it over time, the hairs stop growing in, or at the least they will grow in very sparsely. I used it on my legs only once or twice and a bunch of the hair didn't come back at all. It plucks from the follicle, so the whole thing comes out and takes a while (around 2-3 weeks) to come back if it does. The epillators cost about the same as an electric shaver, and are sold next to the nair and stuff in beauty supply stores or drugstores. They have a spray you can buy that is supposed to numb your skin somewhat, and it also helps if you take a painkiller before you use the epillator


Maybe you should try to bleach it repeatedly. There really is no other way but laser. Read this:


see a dermatologist they may be able to help you with something that is not as dangerous as some of these answers have given

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

My hair just recently fell out from a perm. I would like to know what should I use to help it regrow back in fuller, because I had a pretty decent amount of long hair and now it is very thin and has a very few bald spots. How often should I conditon my hair and what products should I use, also my hair is color-treated...? Thanks!

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

Go to Sally's beauty supply and buy Wild Grow Oil, it will work wonders! Best of luck.

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

Use hair mayonnaise with every wash.

Put your hair in extensions for a couple of months so it can grow out without you being tempted 2 fiddle with it.

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

use NIOXIN. it is recommended by doc.s to cancer patients. your hair broke off b/c you arent supposed to put relaxers on color treated hair!!! you can also take prenatal vitamins! they make you hair grow and your nails grow!

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

I would suggest putting in some braids for a while..just to give your hair some time to grow out.

Do this for at least a month. then take out the braids and be very gentle with your hair from then on.

Try to stay away from heating products once the braids are out..

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

First I would suggest to stop the color treatments. Color should only be applied to very healthy hair and by a professional stylist. Second are you going to a beautician or doing your hair yourself? I had this same problem and had to start going every two weeks to a stylist. You don't necessarily have to get your hair cut short but you do need to get your ends trimmed regularly to eliminate the damaged hair a little at a time. The stylist will apply deep conditioning for damaged hair and professional relaxers. Between visits all I do is wrap my hair and use oil sheen. Remember to keep curling and flat ironing to a minimum as this is also detrimental to the hair.

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

girl, i had that problem too. but the site you need to go to is The products work wonders! and you will realize what are the best things for your hair.

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

Are you going to continue to use relaxers or are you going to grow out your relaxer. Try using products from they are cheap and very good for your hair. good luck

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

this product is called wild growth hair oil,and it's all natural and it's been out for over 20 years and it really dose work... like really umm i stated using this oil in i think the 5th or 6th grade I'm in the 10 th now i know lol but umm the oil is perfect i love it to tell you the truth i think it's wonderful it's for all hair type from white,black,Asian,umm Scottish whatever the oil is really good and it works there is a site in on it i have no pic's yet but i might give some in June of 08 so my hair should be on or past my shoulders then but the all can be use for both men and woman of all ages and here the link the site it can be bought on line at the wild growth site or at some local beauty store i get mine from sally's beauty for like 7.99 and the prices may deffer on were you buy it but here's the link and i hope you guy get a look into it and try it out

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

Holding on to damaged hair does more damage to the healthy hair so getting your hair cut is the only way to go right now. Taking proper care of the hair you will have left will surely bring on some healthy thick new growth.

Little manipulation is key for black hair, try not combing and brushing it so much. Wear your hair in protective styles, styles that need little to no combing and that do not involve the hair rubbing against the clothes which causes breakage and shedding. Each week you should deep condition, alternate between a protein conditioner(help build and strengthen damaged weak hair) and a moisturizing conditioner(adds needed moisture). Let your hair air dry as much as possible and stay away from heat accessories like blow dryers and flat-irons if you can.

On the days you are not washing just spray/apply a leave-in conditioner or spray with a light moisturizer.

At night tie your hair up with a silk/satin scarf or bonnet to protect it from the cotton(Im assuming) pillowcase. You do not need to wrap your hair at night either, wrapping the hair is just unnessecary combing and actualy aids in the snapping and breakage of hair. If your stylists says you need to get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks then she's wrong. If you take care of your hair washing, deep conditioning, no heat, and etc than you can cut your hair every 3 months like i do and my hair is just fine. My hair is actually to the middle of my back and I only trim every 3 months.


:Creme of Nature

:Nuetrogena Triple Moisture

:creme of nature

Deep Conditioners(heat cap), alternating weekly between a protein and moisturizing conditioner.

:Olive Oil Replenishing Pak(protein)

:Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo(protein)

:Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Hair Mask

Air Dry(Always, helps lock in moisture)

Oil Scalp

:Coconut Oil

:Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade

Relax every 2.5-3 months; Organic Root Stimulator or Motions are both really good relaxers. Only trim whenyou get your relaxer.

Alternate weekly between a protein conditioner and a moisturizing conditioner, the first two conditioners I mentioned are protein conditioners by the way. Using protein treatments back to back can actually break the hair off.

FYI: Neutrogean also makes a good leave in(word of mouth) called silk touch. You can apply this about every other day to keep your hair moisturized.

How Can I Re-Grow My African-American Hair After A Relaxer Hair Loss?

If the spots are in the size of a quarter and has a smooth surface. Check out the photos in the website below, if its similar then it must be Alopecia Areata.

My bro managed to find a website called when he had the same problem that explains about the condition and suggests treatment. He gave it a try and to all our surprise he recovered.

Its quite informative. Your might want to give it a try. Wish you a quick recovery.

Male genetic hair loss?

I am struggling to deal with genetic hair loss. I used to have long golden brown but now I look like Patrick Stewart. My question is how can I deal with hair loss? Should I wear a hat? Try different products. I would give anything to have my hair fully restored. I am so down about it. :(

Male genetic hair loss?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I would you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also

Male genetic hair loss?

Shave it short, and don't worry about it. I used to worry about my hair (or lack of it) when I let it grow. Now it's cropped short and I don't care.

Male genetic hair loss?

Accept what you can't change. you are still the same person, be proud of who you are.

if other people can't accept it then THEY have the problem

My husband is losing his also and his attitude is

It doesn't hurt so leave well alone

Male genetic hair loss?

When I see a balding man in the street, I don't give him a second look. What gets my attention is the ridiculous comb-over, ill fitting wigs and (I especially despise this one) the wearing of baseball caps indoors.

Try restorative products if you must but if the baldness is genetic, nothing is going to work. Baldness happens to most men - it's a rite of passage. Don't flatter yourself by thinking anyone will notice.

Male genetic hair loss?

Don't try to hide it, take it like a man! Show it, be proud. You can even shave it, it is very popular.

Male genetic hair loss?

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

Male genetic hair loss?

cut it short what eva you do do not by a hair piece

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

I'm female and for the past few years my hair has been falling out from the root. I used to have very thick and curly hair. Now you can see my scalp in front. I know that stress and family history play a role but surely there is something out there to help .

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?


What is a good product to help with my hair loss?


What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

best to check with your doctor before trying anything

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

proactive ha ha ha!

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

Go to your doctor.

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

super glue

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

well they say viagra works for the pecker why not try it on hair? lol hehehe

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

hey i had that same problem you should use VO5 MILK MOSTERISER.

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

Check with your doctor. It could be a sign of a medical problem. If it is not than they will prescribe something safe and effective.

What is a good product to help with my hair loss?

Hi, unfortunately there are no products that can help you with this problem. It sounds hereditary. :( The best thing you can do though is eat well. Your hair grows depending on what you eat.

Hair loss is usually a result due to lack of vitamins and minerals.

So if you keep up with a regular daily intake of fruit and veges you might notice a difference soon!

Eat well!

What is a good product to help with my hair loss? has good information on hair loss and product suggestions.

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

rogaine hands down

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?


What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?


What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

don't be cheap go 2 the hair salon!

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

Commercialism, aside, regardless of what product you choose, you must use it for the rest of your life, or else the "new" hair will resume falling out (FYI: the "new" hair is just dormant hair follicles being induced to grow; since they weren't meant to grow naturally, they will recede and/or die as soon as the product use is halted; no hair restoration product can create hair where there are no follicles).

So, if I were you, I wouldn't bother with the expense (look at it this way: the cost of one bottle of the stuff is just about what most small vehicle take to fill their gas tanks! I wonder which you prefer: driving around or a full head of hair?). ;)

Can ayurvedic medicine help hair loss?

Ayurvedic medicine said that hair is the waste products of liver. And hair loss occurs because of Pitta dosha eggravates. Is this true or helpful? What we can learn from this ancient knowledge?

Can ayurvedic medicine help hair loss?

I know that certain ayurvedic herbs may help baldness. Bhringaraj in medicated oil applied to the scalp might be one thing.

I think an ayurvedic physician would probably prescribe a whole regimen. herbs, cleanses, dietary changes etc.

massage and yoga asans may also help.

Can ayurvedic medicine help hair loss?

the best cure for hairloss tat i have come across and seen it work in a friend who was going quite thin on top and then a few weeks later had thickened considerably, depens whether you can cope with the reality of doing though- drinking your own urine one a day, apparently there are a lot of nutrients etc in and it helps to combat hair loss. see a web site on urine therapy sure you will find one!

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

I dont know if a certain product will be better for a certain type of hair or people.

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

Nioxin is a really great product for thinning hair. It stimulates your scalp to help promote new hair growth. Ask your stylist what might be best for you.

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

Go to this website: It will save your life. If that link doesn't work just go to

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

Doo Gro hair care or Mane 'N Tail or Dr. Miracles products. All the products promote hair growth.

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

wildgrowth ( dot com )

It really works , I grew my hair 3 in a less than a MONTH !!! and some parts of my hair haven't gown that long in my whole life ( I'm 12 years old .) The oil is completely natural. I have seen less hair in my comb after using it and my hair is no longer damaged. it's shinny and full of luster.

Does anybody know any product that can help with hair loss?

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

Try Rogaine and Propecia. They can help him.

Rogaine (Minoxidil) is used for promoting hair regrowth in patients who are experiencing gradually thinning hair or gradual hair loss on the top of the head.

Propecia (Finasteride) is used to treat male pattern hair loss.

Good luck!

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

Rogaine works!

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

I dont know how bad your hair loss is but eat lots of vegetables and iron and zinc help for healthier fuller hair. Buy vitamins and take them once daily. That'll help

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

Put rabbits on your head. From a distance they will look like hares

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

What is a good product to help with hair loss?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

I;m 40yrs lossing my hair.I've used many different product but has no good results yet.Help please.

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods. Check out for more info.

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

I think you should check out

Instantly repairs your hair, increase tensile strength=staying power=retaining what you have, so no flyaways in tub or brush=longer hair in a month.

I just went to their launch party and had my hair done, free as a demo. Its amazing, my hair was breaking off and flying away. I will always always buy this stuff. Its awesome, I saw a difference as soon as she rinsed my hair. I have no damage anymore, its unbelievable! No more split-ends, its like my hair is NEW! I love it!

I just ordered again and they have new BIGGER red bottles, I cant believe it, it閳ユ獨 a better deal!

Instant Hair Repair for REAL

Best on dry, dull, damaged and over-processed hair.

Oh almost forgot, they also give you a $10 off coupon for your next purchase! So, this company knows what they are doing.

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

What have you used? Nioxin is a good line using the cleanser,scalp therapy and scalp treatment is good. They also have a follicle booster and supplements. A lot of customers swear by it.

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

if u have dandruff, get it cured because that is one reason why your hair will fall off. sometime stress can cause hair loss. sometimes it is just in heredity.

avoid using gels and other chemical product.

try to use herbal product. do not leave your hair too dry.

use herbal oil, apply it to scalp and massage.

What product best treats and prevent hair loss?

Take vitamin B. It's good for your hair, nails and skin. There is a great shampoo called mane and tale for resorting and preventing hair lose. Good luck to you!

Has anyone in Canada used Zulvera Shampoo for hair loss?

Can you buy it in Canada or is there a different product that is natural for hair loss?

Has anyone in Canada used Zulvera Shampoo for hair loss?

Culver hair wash?

Has anyone in Canada used Zulvera Shampoo for hair loss?

I have been using Zulvera from India for last 4 months now ( i am in UK). I am pretty impressed with the results and i can already see some regrowth.Even tho the Zulvera shampoo has very Strong and unpleasant smell the results have been very effective till now. Report It

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it &suggest me good produc

to control the hair loss %26amp;the way of using it

and also the single product to cotrol the dandruff too

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it %26amp;suggest me good product to co?

hi hima

hair loss is quite common at this time of the year in india- when the monsoons have begun..basically the hair has a life cycle which has three stages- anagen, catagen, telogen.. that is growth, transitional, death. For many people, the monsoons and the telogen stage coincide...if your hair has just started falling, then you needn't will stop once the dead hair have been shed. However, if hair loss is a contant problem for you then it could signal an unhealthy scalp or an underlying medical problem.

an unhealthy lifestule and improper food habits often cause hair fall. you need to ensure that you have a balanced diet- eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and make sure your intake of vitamins and minerals is sufficient. also drink plenty of water, and try and include some form of physical activity in your routine. Avoid mental stress. try and maintain a relaxed frame of mind. tension, hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, mental pressure all lead to hair loss. a thyroid problem could also cause hair loss.

You must also make sure you oil and shampoo your hair regularly. massage with oil twice a week, and shampoo twice a week , and in between if the hair gets dirty easily.

yes, i can recommend a good product . i don't know if you have heard of an organisation called shene herbals based in india. it is basically a grandmother-granddaughter team that makes homemade natural products. they have a hair oil concentrate that fights both dandruff and hair loss. i use it myself, and am very happy. you can take a look at their website

Hope this helps!

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it %26amp;suggest me good product to co?

Rogain for women.

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it %26amp;suggest me good product to co?

first of all dont use shampoo much

apply aloe vera on ur hair every day 2hours b4 having bath

also u can mix henna and egg white and apply it on ur hair

this will make ur hair strong, shiny and smooth and prevent hair fall

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it %26amp;suggest me good product to co?

henna is the best source just make a paste of it and apply it on your hair for half an hour wash it (with little shampoo )

This is hima iam suffering frm hair loss i want the solution to avoid it %26amp;suggest me good product to co?

Dear Hima,

Hair loss can only be due to heritory factors, lack of plenty

of vegetables %26amp; fruits in your diet, intake of insufficient water

everday as well as proper looking after of hair. However in addition to these , you can seek advice from reputed Ayurvedic physicians such as Ashta Vaidyan Cheriya Narayanan Namboodiripad ( unfortunately I cannot shorten the name) of Vaidya Madham bear Trittala , Malabar, Kerala.

What are the dangers of Rogaine and other hair loss treatments?

I want to use Rogaine or another hair regrowth product, but i am hesitant to do so because i personally think that there must be major long term side effects. Help me!

What are the dangers of Rogaine and other hair loss treatments?

Excellent Question. In short, Rogaine (Minoxidil) is topical and so it limits its potential risks. The mechanism of actions is that Minoxidil may either activate the hair follicle directly or stimulate the microcirculation surrounding the follicle, increasing cutaneous blood flow via its vasodilating effects. (Minoxidil also may alter the metabolism of androgens in the scalp.) However, when Minoxidil is taken systemically (in pill form), it has hypotensive effects (lowers blood pressure). Therefore, it would be dangerous if too much Rogaine is absorbed through the head into the bloodstream. Luckily, topical minoxidil is poorly absorbed through the skin. The systemic absorption of topical minoxidil averages 2% (range 0.3閳?.5%). Systemic adverse reactions are thus unlikely from topical administration. Placebo-controlled trials with topical minoxidil only showed an increase in dermatological effects from the active drug. Hence, the risk of hypotensive side effects are little to none. Using Rogaine on areas with sunburn or open wounds would obviously increase risk of systemic side-effects. I'm no doctor, but overall from my readings, I'd say Rogaine is pretty safe to use. The only real downside with this drug is that it must be applied 2x a day, and that regrowth will regress if you stop using it (this happens with Propecia too). It also presumably takes a few months for visible regrowth.

The only other drug that is FDA approved for allogenic alopecia is Propecia (Finasteride). Unlike Rogaine, this is taken as a pill, which increases its chance for side-effects. This is because it not only can affect your hair, but also other places in your body via your bloodstream. Most frequently reported adverse reactions to finasteride were related to sexual function. Propecia also is teratogenesis and is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. Interestingly, finasteride was first used for treatment of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). So taking this drug for alopecia may also have the beneficial side effect of a reduced risk of BPH. However, in a 2003 NEJM article ( they found that use of Finasteride increased the risk of high-grade prostate cancer. This would obviously need more research to determine whether using Finasteride as a BPH preventative for the 25% decreased in prostate cancer risk (leading to decreased prostate-caused urinary problems) would be worth the increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. Also, treatment for BPH uses doses of up to 5mg/day in contrast to the 1mg/day for alopecia, so the extent to which this study applies to the dose you would be taking is likely unknown.

Other than that, there are other non-FDA approved approaches for hair loss such as Nizoral Shampoo (1-2% Ketoconazole) among others. But there isn't anywhere as much documentation for those.

Hopefully this helps a bit...

Hair Loss - Provillus Help?

For those who take Provillus: do you take one pill two times a day at separate times? or two pills at the same time once a day? does this product even work? i heard hair loss travels through the mothers side of the family. all my moms brothers are in their 50s but havent really been balding. none of my brothers have this problem either. i am only 18...what can i do? any suggestions? has anyone truly had success with provillus? i know i probably cant stop hairloss completely, but it would be nice to slow it down and have it wait until i get older! how can i lose the hair on my head when i barely have grown any on my chest!! trust sucks..

Hair Loss - Provillus Help?

Sorry to disappoint you, but it is a scam just like all the "natural magical treatments"

There are several forms of hair loss. If it is male pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) then the hair loss cannot be fully cured in most cases, but just frozen for some time with the treatments availiable on market today.

1) Hair transplant (FUE technology) creates really natural hairline, no scars, the best way to go if you have enough donor hair and money of course.

2. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil are the only ones approved by FDA and proven to work in most men so far.

Generic Propecia (finasteride) is also ok. I use it with same results, and unfortunately same side efefcts(a bit dry feeling in the scalp) as brand propecia. Have tried lots of herbal crap before it and laser combs, so far the only thing that prevents my hairloss, not much regrowth, but has stopped my hairloss completely.

I buy from this pharmacy for the last 2 years - . It is under $1 per pill for 1mg propecia.also see

But before you consider to start propecia you must really study about the side effects. It can mess your hormones real bad if you are not lucky, so you must choose, hair or these side effects. Quite a big perecent have these side effects, more than Merck - the company that holds

Propecia trademark is saying. see the link for side effects stories

Hair Loss - Provillus Help?

see for more information on

Hair Loss - Provillus Help?

Manage your hair %26amp; Say Good bye to Hair loss, hair fall, baldness, male %26amp; Female Pattern.

Your hair loss may have started with a few extra hairs in the sink or in your comb. But now you can't look in the mirror without seeing more of your scalp.

Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition. Anyone 閳?men, women and children 閳?can experience hair loss.

Some people prefer to let their baldness run its course untreated and unhidden. Others may cover it up with hairstyles, makeup, hats or scarves. And still others choose one of the medications and surgical procedures that are available to treat baldness. Before pursuing any of these treatment options, talk with your doctor about the cause of and best possible treatments for your hair loss.

For more Natural Herbal health care products

How can I treat hair loss in its early stages??

I am a 22yo male and am daunted of the fact that i may loose my hair.. Generally, i have thick, dark hair and am only experiencing a slightly receeding hairline.. Can any one advise me of any products that have proven results of hair loss prevention and hair restoration without the adverse side effects associated with most? Thank you!

How can I treat hair loss in its early stages??

Well there are only two "approved" options. Minoxidyl and Propecia. Minoxidyl is a liquid or foam that you put on your scalp. It, generally, works best at the top rear of your head (the crown). Propecia is a pill that inhibits DHT. Propecia might be more effective but it may also have more side effects. You will have to use each of these for the rest of your life to maintain any benefits they may bring. Another, new, option is the Laser Comb! It's basically a brush with a couple LED's attached. They are said to stimulate hair follicles back into a growth mode. Other then these, everything else is basically a crap shoot of hard marketing and half truths coupled with large price tags.

How can I treat hair loss in its early stages??

freind i suggest you take ESSVIT CAPSULE 5mg capsule daily everyday its very good for hair growth and hair restoration from roots so go for it and along with it take a multivitamin tablet like

stamina-od or revital then you will be king of hair ur looks so beautiful try freind its very good believe this is with no side effects because one of freind used and got good excellent results so try best of luck

How can I treat hair loss in its early stages??

The first line of defince is a health diet and exersice with a combination of Rogaine. If you feel after a couple of months that Rogaine is not working then I would move on to a consultation with your doctor. He then could prescribe Propecia or another pill that blocks DHT from attacking your hair follicles. There is a laser comb that has been approved by the FDA, but I haven't found anybody that says it works. Good Luck

Does burdock help with hair loss?

I see products being sold to help with hair loss where the "active ingredient" is burdock extract. Is there any study showing the effectiveness of burdock extract to prevent hair loss or promote hair growth compared to placebo?

The only information I found about this is from Wikipedia:

Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, is popular in Europe as a scalp treatment applied to improve hair strength, shine and body, help reverse scalp conditions, and combat hair loss. It is used as a natural hair oil to help get rid of scalp itching and dandruff, promote healing of skin and scalp conditions. Modern studies indicate that Burdock root oil extract is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long chain EFAs), the nutrients required to maintain healthy scalp and promote natural hair growth. Regular use of Burdock oil helps restore and maintain healthy scalp and hair.



Does burdock help with hair loss?

I do not believe in any of that crap:male enhancers,dic k growing pills,stop hair loss.

It is in your genes whether you will loose your hair or not.

The rest is not even proved yet.

If all these bogus products would really help,the industry would jump right in.Billions to be made

You just fool yourself.


Let the FDA first prove it works:then I WILL BELIEVE IT:NOT A DAY SOONER.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

The only true method of disguising hair loss is to start wearing hats.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Why compare the efficacy of essential fatty acids and phytosterols to a "placebo"? It is biochemically proven that the body needs those things.

Toxic pharmaceutical drugs are tested against a placebo because it needs to be shown that it is worth poisoning someone as a form of treatment versus something non toxic.

Before the 1980s, new drugs were tested against the best known existing treatment. According to the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, and author of the book "the Truth About the Drug Companies" this practice was stopped not because of improved science but rather because new drugs are not more effective but they cost more due to the Patent protection they receive. might work for some and not for others. At least it's non-toxic.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

actually, the exact cause for natural hair loss is still unknown. Most research shows that it is often hereditary. There are still natural things you can do to try to regrow hair. Some people use massage, certain oils, supplements, etc. I have not yet heard of burdock. It sounds promising but much research is still to be done. If you want more info, remedies and treatments for hair loss, visit the site below.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Burdock root extract can help be helpful in some cases along with other herbs. The most helpful remedy though is to avoid chemical/commercial shampoos and use natural hair shampoos. Refer to the following website for some great information about natural hair care:

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Try home remedies at

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

My hair has been the same length for years, i'm taking treatment from the dermatologist for hair loss but now i want to have my hair longer and fuller. what products are good for hair growth???

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

their an sampoo and conditionor called Mane %26amp; Tails (yeah its used for horses, but safe to use on humans) they actually have it in the shampoo ieals, also taking vitiams help hair grow faster and helps nails grow too. Also, you can use products when you get out of the shower like volumizer moose that will make you hair look fuller, tell your hair grows.

Also, massage you scalpt at night and when you brushing you hair flip it over a couple of times and a brush it flipped over

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

If you want a inexpensive way I have heard that prenatal vitamins help with making your hair grow faster.

I know when I had to take them my hair grew pretty fast.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

There is no way to make your hair grow longer, but to just wait for it to grow out. just use products that suit your hair to keep it healthy so the ends dont split. Good luck.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

I lost a lot of hair when I had my son and so I took Biotin. It worked like a charm! You can get it at any general store in the pill form.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

there is a product called hair food its about $5 for the container is a vitamin and protein rich formula it is like a pal made you put it in an style as usually with it

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

Rosemary oil has helped my balding spot to fill. I rub a dab of rosemary and jojoba oil on my scalp weekly (you can do it more if you like) and I put a few dabs of the rosemary oil in my shampoo, conditioner and styling gel. Here is a good oil mix:

cedarwood (2 drops, 94 mg), lavender (3 drops, 108 mg), rosemary (3 drops, 114 mg) and thyme (2 drops, 88 mg) in a carrier oil mix of jojoba (3 mL) and grapeseed (20 mL).

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

Biotin has worked wonders for my hair. Make sure you are getting regular trims, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

Pantene products (with amino acids) keep my hair long and silky.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

MAIN AND TAIL IS NOT FOR HORSES it is used for humans hair and nails use that and your hair will grow believe me

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

I doubt there's any. You can take products for hair loss, but anything else won't work. You can only style it to look bigger.

The best option you have is extensions, they will lengthen and fill out your hair, just make sure the person doing them knows not to make it too tight because of your hair issues.

What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

Treatment for Hair Growth

Hair loss has been a sensitive problem for men, since times immemorial. The two main causes of hair loss in men are genetics and hormonal imbalances. 95% of men suffer from androgenetic alopecia or male pattern hair loss. But now the scientists have found out that the major cause of hair loss is DHT (dihydrotestostrone)....


What products can i use to make my hair grow in length?

Forget all those that use those over the counter shampoo's you can get from the local grocery store. Use Nioxin, it is specially formulated to unclog the hair follicle and return the blood flow to the hair shaft. Most of the hair loss is because of waxy build up to the hair follicle. Nioxin is not cheap but you will be very pleased with it's results after about 6 months to 1 year. You can only get it from a reputable salon. It has no minoxidil so if you stop using your hair will not stop growing but I would recommend to stay on it if you have some hair loss. If you have to stop then I would recommend Something like Paul Mitchell products, I regard them as the best out there another would be Aquage products. They will actually clean the scalp and not leave the residue that is the main cause of hair loss.
