Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Does SPAM actually work?

From a business standpoint, does constantly spamming email inboxes really work?

In other words, is the time and money spent creating and sending out the emails and maintaining the spam email list really justified by sales of whatever product they are spamming (i.e., porn, hair loss products, etc.).

Yes, spam is highly annoying to receive, but I am curious if it is a good investment of time from the business standpoint.

Does SPAM actually work?

i don't know, it might. all you need is one person to fall for it and you're set. when i click on the spam button provided by e-mail, i still get the same spam e-mails regardless so that icon doesn't work for sure. you would have to ask the spammers and find out if it is worth it business wise.

Does SPAM actually work?

This is an opinion, not backed by statistics.

If the spammers were not getting a return on their investment, they would quit. Compared to a direct mail campaign, their costs per contact are quite low. Since most of them are, essentially, offering nothing for something, it doesn't take much response to make money. Also, spam is widely used by hackers to spread their dirty digits, so profit does not enter into it.

Does SPAM actually work?

I've wondered the same thing, I assume it must be or people wouldn't waste time and effort to do it. I've never clicked on one. I always delete them, but since I've been using Yahoo Mail, I rarely see them.

I just use the free one.

Does SPAM actually work?


Search with Google

Search with Google

Search with Google

Search with Google

Search with Google

Search with Google

Does SPAM actually work?

Absolutely it's profitable for them and very annoying for everyone else.

Basically it nothing for a spammer to send emails.

It's practically ALL automated and takes only seconds for them to send thousands of emails out.

Email address domain list CD are for sale for pennies containing millions of domain and email addresses. Bulk email software is used for the randomization of subjects, email address, senders name, open relays (Server which allow unauthenticated email to send through them) etc...

They may find a domain to send to and suddenly everyone may get a similar email at work. All with different subject. That's the bulk email software.

Basically it is doesn't cost them anything. So ANY money made is profit. Trust me they make money too. I am a Network administrator and see a lot of scary thing users do.

The other sad part. spammers are now teaming with virus makers to send more and more emails faster.

Be careful

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