Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

I am 21 and have a pretty bad receding hair line. I have been checking into a few products at a beauty store to help restore my hair and I've also looked into some homeopathic remedies for hair loss. I've checked into a generic version of Nioxin, Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner, and some other brands as well. I was wondering if anyone with experience with this kind of thing had some advice for me. I also heard that if you use one of the hair thickening products, particularly Rogain for men shampoo, if you stopped using it, your hair would return to a worse degree than it was before you started using the shampoo. Please someone help.

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

honey you lost me on the second line!! look just get a wig it will grow back!!

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

use the real Nioxin brand

and if that don't work go to the hair doctor to get the Alopecia medicine but there are some side affects: men - low sperm count and women - deplete's your birth reproduction

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

use olive oil nd use de garnier shampoo...they r pretty efective

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

ditto with the recommendation on Nioxin brand shampoo and conditioner... my college room-mate had fistfuls of hair falling out and she used it and it really helped her hair!

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

that's true about rogain. use the nioxin or generic of it it works but you have to do the steps on a regular bases. if you stop using it nothing will change( meaning it wont fall out again) but maintains is best so continue ti use it after it grows in.

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

I was 19 at the time I started loosing hair after I had my son. I use to worry so much because I had so much more hair before but I read that if you take multy vitamins and vitamin c it helps your hair very well. Did you know that a normal healthy woman looses 100 to 120 hairs per day. That's what I loose so that's why i don't worry so much plus I started taking the vitamins too and its helped.

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

i am 23 and have the same problem. i researched all the major name brands and they all contain drugs. also unless you do surgery, when you stop taking any remedy, your hair will return back to original state. I tried a product called "HairGenesis" i found online. I chose it because it is all natural (drug-free) it worked ok. i didnt get any worse, actually a tad better, but i did not keep up with the extensive regimin.

i saw an infomertial for a new brand that worked with one application every ninety days. i forgot the name but it started with P and sounded something like proactive(the ance stuff). i did a quick search and couldnt find anything though.

good luck man

Hair Thinning/Hair Products?

Try using only about 5-10 drops of an essential oil about three times a week. Massage your scalp for 5-10 minutes to get the blood circulating through hair cells and scalp nerves in order to promote growth each month but you may not see the results until the end of the second month of using this hair treatment. For another option, I suggest you do not use rogain but see a doctor as the next resort. Rogain may not be best for you. Some other treatment may be better for your hair situation.

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